Helpful Links & Information
Helpful links - Websites on Divorce, Collaborative Divorce and Mediation
Should I Try to Work it Out?
A very helpful “Guidebook” for couples considering divorce to help them think through all of the issues involved in divorce. Very useful!
International Academy of Collaborative Professionals
The IACP website provides you with a wealth of information about collaborative divorce.
Collaborative Practice Institute of Michigan
The Collaborative Practice Institute of Michigan is the Michigan version of the larger IACP and provides you with information about the collaborative process.
One of the major sites for general divorce information.
A useful site for general divorce information.
Family Mediation Center
This is a Mediation Center Located in Milwaukee. The website contains helpful information about all your process options when facing divorce, and provides excellent information about mediation.
Divorce Support Services in Southeastern Michigan
Women’s Divorce Resource Center
The Women’s Divorce Resource Center is a non-profit designed to empower and educate women contemplating and going through the divorce process.
The Family Center
A wonderful resource for parents and people facing divorce who are looking for help from various professionals, including professionals in the fields of education, mental health and law.
Care of Southeastern Michigan
Care of Southeastern Michigan’s mission is to strengthen resiliency in people and their communities through prevention, education, and services that improve their quality of life. They often have classes, programs or other resources for parents facing divorce.
Articles and Videos on the Attorney's Role in Divorce
Lawyers as Healers
October 2001 article “Lawyers as Healers” provides insight into the proper approach of attorneys for people seeking help with divorce issues.
Lawyers as Peacemakers. Really?!? Yes, Really.
TED talk on litigation versus mediation and collaborative practice from the attorney’s perspective.
Articles on Divorce and Health
Divorce: The Forgotten Injury — Colorado Chiropractic Journal
Divorce Has Lasting Toll on Health — WebMD
The Effects of Divorce on Children — DivorceSource
The Effects of Divorce on America — Peacemaker Ministries
Where Are You on the Divorce Stress Scale? — Psychology Today
Articles on the Cost of Divorce
How Much Does a Divorce Cost? – Types & Ways to Save — Money Crashers
The Cost of Divorce: Three Processes — Mediation Matters
Why a Collaborative Divorce Makes Financial Sense — U.S. News & World Report
Articles On Counseling that Can Improve the Divorce Process
Should We Call It quits? A New Kind of Couples Counseling — Today
Marriage Counseling and the Decision to Divorce — Psychology Today
Co-Parenting and Parenting Time Plans
Co-Parenting - Great Article by Michael Scott on parenting time plans and co-parenting. Explains how people's ability to co-parent after a divorce is effected by the divorce process and how the couple approach their divorce. A must read for parents!
A New Divorce - Ellen Kellner's website dedicated to mindfulness and co-parenting.
Mindful Co-Parenting - Ellen Kellner's personal journey to becoming a better co-parent after divorce through mindfulness.
Planning for Parenting Time: Arizona’s Guide for Parents Living Apart - The State of Arizona has put together an excellent model parenting time booklet which parents can use to help them think about and create a parenting time schedule