The Keys to a Better Divorce
March 24th, 2021
Divorce is a word associated with high costs and a long and stressful process that is difficult –even harmful - for everyone involved, especially the kids. Fortunately people now have options that make it possible for them to significantly reduce the cost, time and stress of divorce. The ability of each person to take advantage of these options varies based on the circumstances of each case.
That’s why Cleland Collaborative Solutions offers people a free consultation to help them to determine what options are appropriate for their situation. Usually this determination involves the following key considerations:
1. Communication. Of all the key attributes of a better divorce process, the ability of the spouses to communicate is paramount. Why? The more that couples can effectively communicate the less expensive the divorce and the better the outcome. For some couples the best move is to eliminate all communication and proceed with litigation. For many people, however, maximizing communication is the better approach and they should therefore consider obtaining a divorce through mediation or collaborative practice.
2. Budget. It is important for people to match their budget to their divorce process. Running through your budget in the middle of a divorce can leave you high and dry. Whether the couple has limited or unlimited funds, careful planning will help them to reduce costs and maximize their budget. Collaborative practice and mediation are two divorce processes that allow people to maximize their budget.
3. Expertise. Each divorce involves the need for varying degrees of expertise. There are divorce professionals in multiple fields, including legal, financial, tax, real estate and mental health. Knowing up front what experts might be needed in a couple’s divorce is an important preliminary step before proceeding with the divorce. Each of the three divorce (litigation; mediation; collaborative practice) processes offer substantial differences in how experts are utilized, resulting in differences in value, cost and efficiency.
4. Confidentiality. Privacy is important to many people, especially when they are going through a divorce. A divorce in court can put your life in the public eye. Collaborative practice and mediation are fully confidential methods of obtaining a divorce.
5. Children. High conflict divorces have been shown to cause harm to children. Keeping the kids out of the center of the dispute but remaining the center of concern is important. Mediation or collaborative practice offer ways to obtain a divorce that keep the children out of the dispute and better prepare them for a post-divorce future.
Cleland Collaborative Solutions offers a FREE one hour consultation to provide you with the information you need to make a smart decision about divorce. No matter what option you choose, Cleland Collaborative Solutions can help you. For full details please call (586) 876-9165